
scroll down to see all cmds categories


/boostset up a boost system that reacts whenever someone boosts your server, supports custom message x channel x auto roles x avatar & name (webhook)
/emojieasily add custom emojis to your server by giving emojis, links or ids
/leaveset up a leave system that reacts whenever someone leaves your server, supports supports custom message x channel x avatar & name (webhook)
/purgedelete multiple messages at once in a channel
/stickereasily add stickers to your server by giving links or ids
/welcomeset up a welcome system that reacts whenever someone joins your server, supports custom message x channel x auto roles x avatar & name (webhook)
/fakeuses webhooks to impersonate users
/avatardisplay users avatars and server icon
/bannerdisplay users banners and server banner
/autoplayautoplay mode will keep playing upcoming songs
/clearclears the current list of songs/queue
/equalizersends an equalizer menu for you
/jumpjump directly to a specific song in the list
/likedview and play liked songs
/queueshows the queue/list of songs
/nowplayingdisplay what's currently playing
/pausepause the current track
/playplay a song by giving a name or url
/playfileplay a local file from your device
/previousplay the previous song
/queuecurrent list of songs, a.k.a. queue
/repeattoggle repeat mode ↳↰ repeat track or queue when it ends
/replayreplay the current song or replay from a specific time in the song
/resumeresume the current track
/shuffleshuffle the list, it will randomize the song's order
/skipskip the current song
/stopstop the player
/volumecontrol the player's volume
/settingsserver settings = music, appearance, prefix, language
/infogive info about server, users, roles or channels
/messagecreate, edit, delete custom messages for your server
/commandcreate, edit, delete custom commands for your server, supports avatar & name (webhook)
/helpshow a quick guide for you to use arii
/saysend a new message trough arii, you can give content,
attach image with url or local from your device, and
add a simple embed
supports avatar & name (webhook)
/sendsend a custom message to the current channel
supports avatar & name (webhook)


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variable userdescriptionresponse
{user}(mentions the user if the mention is outside the embed in the content)@byahri
{user_username}user's usernamebyahri
{user_nick}members's nickname in the current server if they have oneahrii ♡
user's global nickname (display name) if they have oneahrii ♡
{user_customname}the user's arii-customnameahriiii
{user_id}the user's id1052024053105438771
{user_joinposition}the position number this member joined the server7
{user_joindate}the date this user joined the serverFebruary 4, 2023 4:42 PM
{user_relativejoindate}the relative date this user joined the server3 months ago
{user_createdate}the date this user created their discord accountJune 1, 2021 6:51 AM
{user_relativecreatedate}the relative date this user created their discord account2 years ago
{user_boostsince}the date this user started boosting this serverJune 1, 2021 6:51 AM
{user_avatar}this user's avatar urluser avatar url
{user_banner}this user's banner urluser banner url
{user_serveravatar}user's avatar url in current server if anymember avatar url
variable serverdescriptionresponse
{server_name}this server's namearii support
{server_id}this server's id1108034040432447598
{server_owner}this server's owner mention@byahri
{server_owner_username}this server's owner usernamebyahri
{server_owner_nick}this server's owner nicknameahrii ♡
{server_owner_customname}this server's owner arii-customnameahriiii
{server_owner_avatar}this server's owner avatar urluser avatar url
{server_owner_serveravatar}this server's owner avatar url in current server if anymember avatar url
{server_owner_banner}this server's owner banner urluser banner url
{server_membercount}how many members this server has in number20000
{server_formatmembercount}how many members this server has in formatted number20k
{server_boosts}how many boosts this server has24
{server_level}this server's premium level3
{server_createdate}the date this server was createdMay 14, 2022 12:11 PM
{server_relativecreatedate}the relative date this server was createda year ago
{server_icon}this server's icon urlserver icon url
{server_banner}this server's banner urlserver banner url
variable musicdescriptionresponse
{music_title}current track title7 rings
{music_url}current track url
{music_author}current track author's name / artistAriana Grande
{music_image}current track image cover url
{music_autoplay}autoplay mode (enabled or disabled)Autoplay | nothing
{music_autoplayicon}autoplay icon / emojidiscord emoji
{music_volume}the player's volume100
{music_volumeicon}volume icon / emojidiscord emoji
{music_duration}current track duration in seconds124
{music_position}current position in this track in seconds320
{music_formatduration}current track formatted duration2:58
{music_formatposition}current formatted position in this track0:53
{music_platform}current track's platform namespotify | deezer | etc
{music_platformicon}current track's platform icon / emojidiscord emoji
{music_requester}mentions / pings the member that requested this track@byahri
{music_requestername}the member's name that requested this trackahri
{music_requesterid}the member's discord id that requested this track817931087820357682
{music_requesteravatar}the member's avatar that requested this trackdiscord avatar url
{music_requesterserveravatar}the member's server avatar that requested this trackdiscord avatar url
{music_requesterbanner}the member's banner that requested this trackdiscord banner url
variable miscdescriptionresponse
{date_timestampnow}current unix timestamp in seconds1687430176
{date_now}current dateJune 22, 2023 3:36 AM
{date_relativenow}current relative date2 minutes ago
{date_now_mmddyy}simple current date in order:
{date_now_ddmmyy}simple current date in order: day.month.year21.08.23
{date_now_dd}simple current day21
{date_now_mm}simple current month08
{date_now_yy}simple current year23